Monday, August 6, 2012

Bestie Baby Bump

Bump alert!

Another baby is on the way and will be making her debut very soon! One of my best friends McKenleigh is going to be a Mommy and I could not be any happier for her and her sweet hubby Michael. Being a Mommy of two myself, I am loving all my friends adding to the "baby count". So all you besties and close friends out there, keep having kiddos! Ha! I would direct that statement to a certain few, but we'll just leave it as a general statement, shall we??? 

Well, no other way to celebrate another Mommy-to-be than to throw her a shower! We gave Mac a shower a few weeks ago and so I want to share some pics and sweet moments from the day. 

All the hostesses with Mac and baby Parker

Pretty Mac with Parker's bow holder.

Some of the decor, food and invitation

Me and Mac

College roomies, besties and friends forever! (I know sounds cheesy, but it's true!)

Cute outfit and Katie taking it all down!

 Some sweet shower guests

Mac and Kinsey - both beautiful Mommy's-to-be!

Make that three Mommy's-to-be.....Laura, Mac and Kinsey

Two of my sweet best friends McKenleigh and Ashley

So thankful to have all of these lovely ladies in my life and we were all thrilled to celebrate Mac and baby Parker. Can't wait to meet that sweet little girl in just a few short weeks!!! 

Love you Mac!
- EM

Friday, August 3, 2012

Yes, I'm Still Here....

Ok, people. Yes, I know I have fallen off the face of the earth when it comes to my blogging (or lack there of lately) BUT!! It's not without good reason I promise. So hold on tight, because this weekend could potentially bring about a blogging mania! Especially since I write to you tonight from new love, my MacBook Pro. Ahhhhh, it's almost as good as a pair of designer heels.... well almost! I have been waiting for what seems like a lifetime for one of these little babies, so I am definitely ready to put this thing to good use!  And I would be remiss if I don't send a little love out to my wonderful hubby for going to pick up my new toy today (did I mention tax free???) love you J, you are the best!

Lots of changes, updates, cakes, birthdays, babies, and I have been doing a little bit of Martha-ing as I call it. So posts and photos to come on alllll these many topics. My hat is definitely off to all you "super Moms" out there that can blog everyday and keep up with life, I don't know how you do it! (obviously with my recent track record of updating)

On another note, my Mom and Dad celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary yesterday and have been together for 39 years! That just blows my mind, but I can't think of two better people in the entire world who love each other more than my parents. Also celebrating an anniversary are our dear friends Christi and Brad Heacox! August 2nd must be a special day for couples. Alright so happy Friday lovers, hope you all have a blessed weekend! Now for some Friday night Olympics and a glass a vino. Cheers!  

I'll be posting

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We THREE.....Babe-eez

Now, don't go gettin' all excited, it's not what you think. We, (I) survived the weekend. Normally my two keep me running, but this past two was three. While my hubby was helping our dear friends Patrick and Alicia move to their new casa, I got to keep their sweet little man, Declan. While I admit, I wasn't sure how the day would go, it was an easy, 99% meltdown free and wonderful day! Since I have yet to reveal my monkey's names, let me take this time to do that. Jackson and Hallie (just a friendly fyi: that's Hal-eeeee, not Hay-lee) are my two sweet blonde hair, blue eyed babies. We had a full Saturday, so hold on tight. Here we go.

My day started at 6am, nothing out of the ordinary, because why would anyone ever sleep late on the weekends? We sure don't! The kids had eaten breakfast by 7:30am and just after 8, Alicia and Declan were at the house. As soon as Alicia left, we were off to a start. Now, both my kids are potty trained and we are diaper & pull-up free (Hallelujah!) so my diaper days have been a thing of the past, adjustment #1. Our first journey of the day, ballet class. So I got my little lady all dressed and ready to go, Jackson dressed and Declan ready in tow. Here's a quick pic of little miss thang before ballet, yes I did manage to snap pictures (quickly).

Itty Bitty Ballerina, Hallie

So we arrived for ballet class, FIRST one's to arrive for ballet class, just to give myself a little pat on the back there. You would too if you had three kids. Hallie started class and the boys and I sat in the hall. Parents have to sit in the hall during ballet class, so we all pack out there and peek in on our sweet angels as they semi-twirl, dance, shriek and prance around for 30 minutes. I would have loved to take pics of them sitting there, but Jackson was playing on my phone while Declan was having a little snack and doing a little peeking of his own on the ballet class! He ran in twice to join the fun, but thankfully Mommy Hallie to the rescue (ha) she saw him coming, ran over and kissed him on the head and sweetly said "You have to stay with my mommy so I can dance". I almost lost it! I mean could she be any sweeter, where was my camera when I needed it, and Declan just gave Hallie this sweet (mischievous) smile and off he went! Eventually he sat down with Jackson and they played Angry Birds til class was over right at 11. 

I had promised the kids if they were good through ballet we would go to the park after and play, like I wasn't taking them regardless, call it what you want but hey bargaining for good behavior is a necessity folks. So, off to the playground we went. Now, I would like to say that I was talented enough to get pics of all of them at the playground, but yeah right! All three of them ran in 80 directions and asking them to stand still on the playground.....not happening! The only one I got was this one of Hallie before she took off down the slide.

After almost an hour of the dreaded 90 degree Memphis heat, we were ready for lunch. Now, this Martha Stewart would love to come home and cook an eight course meal for lunch but when you have hot, sweaty, hungry kids patience is not a virtue. So... adjustment #2. Chick-fil-A to the rescue! Fruit cups, chicken nuggets, chocolate milk (yes I gave in to the plea from the backseat for choc. milk) and waffle fries and we were headed home to eat. Since Declan was sitting with me for lunch, I did snag a pic of little man mid waffle fry.  


So now, we are halfway through the day and it's nap time! My two don't really nap much anymore so Finding Nemo found his way to the DVD player, and I rocked Declan man and it sure didn't take long. Here's a few pics of nap time shenanigans, including Hallie's third wardrobe change of the day... (slightly a diva).

Hallie checking on Declan while he sleeps, such a lil' Momma!

Declan snoozin'

Hallie bored or in deep thought...

My sweet Jackson

More of the kiddos hanging out (secretly wishing I would put down the iPad and stop taking pictures)

Caught in the act of sibling love!

 All smiles!

While Declan took a short 3 hour slumber, I packed for us to go to my in-laws for a cookout and pool party since my sister-in-law and step-sis-in-law both graduated from the University of Memphis on Cinco de Mayo. My hubby went to the graduation on both our behalfs. I can do a lot of things, but a college graduation with three little ones is NOT in my skill set. So we are up and ready to roll.... pause for a quick snack.

Also giving the look of "no more photos lady"

Now, pool party and cooking out at a non-baby proofed house means I got ZERO pics from this point on, adjustment #3... but the hubs came home and we loaded up the kids and headed to Piperton. Since the pool was a cozy 80 below zero, I decided it was too chilly for Declan so Jack and Hallie swam with Dad and we all cooked out and played for the rest of the night. About 8:30pm I took sweet Declan home to see his Mommy and Daddy and toured Pat & Alicia's new house. (yay!) The kids had so much fun and while it was an adventure with a few adjustments along the way, having three for the day was a blast!

I even managed to find an adult beverage after my own kids were in bed and my day with three little monkeys came to a sweet close! I am thinking Declan slept pretty good after our busy day, I know my two babies did! A day with the crazy Milford's will do that to you! Hope you all enjoyed your Cinco de Mayo as much as I did! Cheers!