Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's Like Saying Bomb On An Airplane.....

Happy hump day folks! Man on man I feel like we have been on a roller coaster lately with all things LIFE! Jackson is in his third week of summer school and doing well and Hallie is chomping at the bit to go to "big girl school" this fall. I cannot believe they are 4 and 7! When did my babies get so big? We have also been on the hunt for a new house for quite some time. What a PROCESS to say the least. The ugly ones, the scary ones, the one that's a little too big, the one that would be perfect until you see the price tag! (of course I never look at the price of anything, just look for what I like and then the price tag... typical woman I suppose LOL) But all that aside, I think we might have found "the one". We put an offer in today and hope to know something by Friday, so all you lovers out there keep your fingers crossed and pray for us because my sanity can't handle much more on the house hunt! HA! 

In other news, Jackson has been in seriously intensive summer school for three weeks. He is doing really well academically! I say well as a relative term because we still have a super long way to go but so far so good in the progress department. YAY! We still have our days that don't go so great of course (like last week when he had to be physically removed from a fight because another little boy was antagonizing him, but that's another story). He has learned about 12 new words and read his first book to me all the way through! Never mind it was a Pre-K reader book of none other than "The Lorax" WHO CARES!!!! He could read the phone book to me as long as he reads, I don't care what it is! 

Speaking of other days that don't go so well. Wellllllllll we got a picture sent home today (with a sad face drawn on it even) and a lengthy note about this "ahem" drawing. A counselor's father passed away at the school and the kids were drawing him pictures. Jackson chose to do his own rendition of a drawing for him. Not sure if he associated his drawing with death or what, but his picture was less than desirable for the occasion. I am not posting a picture of it, but let me just say it was a lovely drawing, but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong for the occasion or even to be drawn at school. He drew a detailed full scale drawing of people, a large group of people shooting each other with guns. (excuse me while I gather myself and push my stomach out of my throat)

How in the world do I even begin to explain to him that even though someone died he cannot draw ANYTHING pertaining to guns at school. It's simply unacceptable and cannot happen. I almost didn't know where to begin. I pulled Jackson to me and very calmly but sternly explained that we had to talk about this picture he drew today and why it was never to be drawn nor is he allowed to talk about guns at school. It's seriously like getting on a plane and yelling BOMB!!!! You just can't do it. As we went back and forth with him doing what I felt like was his best effort to keep eye contact with me, I could tell he was shaky. Those big blue eyes welled up and I could see his tears were going to start any second. 

I have been so proud of his progress over the last few short weeks, but man this was a tough conversation tonight. Definitely not one I wanted to have and honestly I didn't know if he would even really understand. But I think he did. He said he was sorry. He said he was just drawing a picture like the army. I am so thankful that he hopefully understands that the army protects us, our country and our freedom, but in this instance the guns and shooting are a no go. The further we went into the conversation the more he was fidgeting and the more I could tell he was getting overwhelmed from our discussion. I assured him he was not in trouble, but that if he ever talked about guns or drew them at school again, Mommy would have to come to school and that it would not be fun. He fell to the floor crying. I literally had to pick him up but not hug him. Do you know how hard that is as a parent to have to pick up your child who thought he was drawing a picture to tell him that it's not allowed????? I knew if I hugged him, he would think he was "off the hook" so I couldn't even though I wanted to. I even wanted to cry, but I couldn't do that either. 

This is one of those tough parenting times as a Mom in general, autism aside. But also considering that Jacks processes things in his own way, I decided we had to turn this into a learning experience for him or he would never want to do "art" again for fear of getting in trouble. So after our long, stern, torturing conversation I asked Jackson if we could make a deal. We decided that from now on the day before art class, we will talk about what he will draw for me. I get to pick the next picture and from there we will pick two picture options and he can choose the one he wants to draw for me. You see, I have to turn things this way for him to want to be interesting in continuing and so he understands that although today was a big no no, he can still draw great pictures for Mommy and Daddy. 

Since we have some behavioral issues that we are still combating, I feel like teaching Jackson that guns are not safe is VITALLY important. I know guns are definitely something that I exist I realize that. But Jackson does not understand that they can really hurt people. And obviously he doesn't understand that there's a time and place for them, which was not today for sure. And it's not something I am willing to risk with him thinking they are anything but dangerous. Even all the way down to the Nerf and water guns. I just simply choose that he cannot have them. He can know they exist and I can teach him about them, but for now they have no place in our life at the moment. 

Lesson for today - kids make mistakes. We all do. But for Jackson redirection from those mistakes and giving him options to make good decisions will hopefully make sure we never have "guns" drawn at school again and he will go to art ready to draw the picture he chooses so he feels empowered to make his own decisions. I think I might be starting to catch on to Jackson's way of learning thing. Kinda crazy how much that kiddo teaches me to take a step back and approach life from a different angle. 

Hoping I never see guns on paper again. EVER.